恭喜蔡嘉敏 Kelly 獲得卓越成就! 作為香港都會大學李嘉誠專業進修學院2024年寵物護養及動物輔助治療高級文憑準畢業生,Kelly 展現了非凡的創業精神。她的項目提案「無恐寵物服務」在香港都會大學學生事務處舉辦的「薈創點」MetroChallenge 2024 中脫穎而出,並於2024年7月5日獲選為最終獲獎者之一,獲得10萬港元的實施基金。
Kelly 在兩年的學習過程中展現了對寵物護理行業的熱情和積極的學習態度。最近,Kelly 也成功完成了課程團隊與城大動物醫療中心共同合辦的試點工作影子計劃。該計劃旨在提高學生的就業能力,改善在獸醫健康科學和動物護理領域的職業前景。
在加入我們之前,Kelly 已經在香港都會大學完成了商業管理學士學位。她能夠將從兩個學習階段中獲得的知識和技能應用並結合起來,這顯然促成了她的成功。
我們對 Kelly 的成就感到無比自豪,並祝願她在寵物護理行業的未來發展中一切順利。
For programme details:
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 3588 7881
WhatsApp: 3588 7881
CONGRATULATIONS Kelly on winning MetroChallenge with your entraprenueurial project "Fear Free Pet Service"!
As a 2024 graduate of our HKMU Lipace HD in Pet Care and Animal Assisted Therapy 寵物護養及動物輔助治療高級文憑, TSOI Ka Man Kelly has demonstrated remarkable entrepreneurial spirit. Her project proposal on "Fear Free Pet Service" was selected as one of the final awardees for the Implementation Fund (up to HK$100,000) of the Annual Innovation and Technology Competition - MetroChallenge 2024, organised by the Student Affairs Office at 香港都會大學 Hong Kong Metropolitan University, on 5 July 2024.
Kelly's passion for the pet care industry shone through during her two-year course of study at HKMU Lipace 香港都會大學 李嘉誠專業進修學院. Her proactive learning attitude was evident throughout. Recently, Kelly also successfully completed a pilot job shadowing programme which the Programme Team jointly organised with CityU VMC 城大動物醫療中心. This programme aims to enhance our students' employability and improve career prospects in veterinary health science and animal care.
Prior to her studies at HKMU Lipace, Kelly completed a bachelor's degree in Business Management at Hong Kong Metropolitan University. Her ability to apply and combine the knowledge and skills acquired from both her studies has clearly contributed to her success.
We are immensely proud of Kelly's achievements and wish her all the best in her future endeavours in the pet care industry.
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